According to the figures of the EY 2023 barometer, France has experienced a +3% increase in investment projects compared to 2021 and retains its position as the number 1 European destination.
Meanwhile, the Hautes-de-France region continues to grow in terms of attractiveness on a national and European scale.
The Hauts-de-France, among the top 3 French regions for FDIs…
In 2022, the Hauts-de-France region recorded a remarkable 24% increase in the number of foreign investment projects.
The firm reported 133, compared to 107 in 2021 for 5,185 jobs created.
The Hauts-de-France region has therefore maintained its position as the second most attractive region in France for FDIs in terms of the number of jobs.
It has moved up one place from 4th position and enters the top 3 in terms of the number of projects.
…And the 8th region in Europe for foreign investment
On a European scale, it has also gained two places and is now the 8th most attractive region, just behind Bavaria and ahead of Scotland and Lombardy.
“Our region is attractive! This barometer shows that we are continuing to attract companies and jobs, and demonstrates the ability of the Hauts-de-France region to reinvent itself and re-industrialize in the long term through innovative projects. We will continue this effort in 2023 for the future of Hauts-de-France” Xavier Bertrand, President of the Hauts-de-France Region
A strong industrial dynamic in Hauts-de-France
The increase in foreign investment in Hauts-de-France is driven by a strong dynamic among industrial projects: + 42%.
In all, the region has 78 projects from the secondary sector, its best result ever.
Discover a typical industrial project in the region: Prologium
These figures make Hauts-de-France the 2nd largest French and European region for industrial investment (as opposed to the 2nd and 5th largest region respectively in 2021).
This is a major asset at a time of national reindustrialization.
In all, the Hauts de France region has consistently ranked among the top three in terms of industrial FDIs in both France and Europe over the past four years.
These results are a clear indication of Hauts-de-France’s leading role in this sector in Europe.
Discover the main regional sectors of activity
Strengthening sector-based ecosystems
This barometer shows the importance of the traditional regional sectors: mobility and agri-food.
Buoyed by the exceptional growth of electric batteries, the transportation equipment manufacturers sector accounted for nearly 13 % investment decisions in 2022.
A significant evolution which resulted in an increase of over 140 % in the number of projects (17 in 2022 versus 7 in 2021).
Year after year, the Hauts-de-France Region has developed its French and European leadership in automobile production while at the same time paving the way for the REV 3 dynamic.
Consistently ranked among the top 3 sectors for foreign investment, the agri-foodindustry, holds this year’s 2nd place in the sector-based ranking.
AFI projects also increased significantly with + 50 % of projects between 2021 (10) and 2022 (15).
Belgium still in the lead for investments

Belgium remains at the top of the podium among the countries that invest in the region according to EY.
It is followed by Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
This ranking is consistent with the top 5 foreign establishments set up in the region:

EY / Business France: two complementary reports
Released in February, the report by Business France uses a different methodology and therefore presents different results from those of EY.
As a reminder, the Business France report puts the number of investment projects in Hauts-de-France at 205 and the number of jobs at 8,437.
Discover the Business France report
In terms of projects, the EY barometer does not include hotels, retail outlets and takeovers.
As far as jobs are concerned, it does not take into account the jobs saved and the temporary contracts.
However, both studies agree on the major increase in the number of projects in the region compared to 2021.