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Who can benefit from the NFI services?

4 specific cases:
  • Foreign companies in all sectors looking to expand in Hauts-de-France
  • French companies with no site in Hauts-de-France
  • Hauts-de-France companies with a succession plan
  • Foreign-owned companies in Hauts-de-France with a development project
Our services are not intended for :
  • French or international self-employed entrepreneurs
  • French companies wishing to export
  • International companies seeking distribution networks only

Why as the help of Nord France Invest?

Nord France Invest provides you with completely tailored, free of charge and confidential support. We centralize all the information you need to analyze your project. We facilitate your process to find a site, partners or land. We organize site visits. We accelerate your networking with future regional partners. Find out more about the agency's services on this page.

What type of project can support you in?

The agency supports job-creating investment projects. The nature of projects varies according to 3 main categories:
  • Start-up projects
  • Expansion of existing sites in the region
  • takeovers of regional businesses by international companies.
Nord France Invest's services are not aimed at capital investments.
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Recruit easily

in Hauts-de-France

A labour shortages can be one of the main obstacles to setting up a foreign company. Fortunately Hauts-de-France has a wide, deep pool of available talent that ensures optimum recruitment opportunities. And the broad range of training options available right here will help you find the skillsets you need.
Nord France Invest

Available workforce

Availability of human capital is a deal-makeror breaker—when considering an operation outside your home country. Given tight labour markets in Europe and the shortage of potential employees, companies can find themselves caught up in fierce competition for available human resources.

But in Hauts-de-France there is no such pressure. Our region has large pools of available labour that you can access to recruit the employees you need.

These abundant pools of available labour tend to reduce employee turnover. Note that in France in general—and in Hauts-de-France in particular—staff retention rates are higher than the average for Europe and the rest of the world. Staff turnover has a direct impact on your company’s finances. When an employee leaves, the average cost of recruiting and hiring a replacement is estimated at 3-6 months of salary—and even as high as 9 months when training is added in.

Available workforce in Hauts-de-France

Number of job seekers

  • 74K in the logistics sector
  • 58K in services
  • 43K in the industrial sector


But wide, deep pools of available labour are only part of the HR benefits that Hauts-de-France offers. We’re also home to a wide selection of training opportunities. Hauts-de-France is a young region—31% of the population is under 25—and it is densely populated, with 6 million residents and large metropolitan areas. This, in turn, has naturally led to comprehensive training offerings that cover a wide range of skills.

From technical staff for manufacturing to pharmaceutical engineers and customer service managers, many of your future employees will already have been trained right here in Hauts-de-France.

Key figures:

+ %

of French engineers are trained in the Region


students (or about 9% of students in France)


elite graduate schools for engineering, business and other specialities


Hauts-de-France is also the top-ranked region in France for post-graduate training. In addition to academic training, we have many professional entities that help employees train and retrain throughout their careers.

Specialized training
to help you find your future employees

Companies are the first ones to organize themselves no to suffer from labor shortages. This is why many of them have set up school factory or training campus projects.

But the Region and its industry stakeholders are not to be outdone. Numerous initiatives have been set up throughout the region to meet the growing needs of companies in talent and skills.


IBM has set up a large-scale systems and artificial intelligence academy in Lille for people undergoing retraining. Over a 12-month course, including 9 months on a work-study contract in a company, students at the Major Systems and AI Academy will acquire the theoretical and practical skills needed to become a systems administrator.

The ELECTRO’MOB training program

The Electro’Mob program (launched by the Hauts-de-France Region and major stakeholders in the electric mobility sector to meet the major recruitment needs of gigafactories and the new electric vehicle ecosystem) will offer over 11,000 training modules dedicated to new automotive industry skills, tailored to the needs of employers.


At the heart of the Eurasanté cluster in the center of the Lille metropolitan area, the Usine École has a training center for the healthcare and well-being industries.


Delta3 is one of the region’s strategic logistics platforms. It is home to the Euralogistic cluster and its unique campus dedicated to logistics apprenticeships, in a 5,000m² warehouse-school. It welcomes 2,000 apprentices every year.

Proch’emploi: regional
recruitment assistance

The Hauts-de-France Region has put into place a program named Proch’Emploi to enable companies to recruit easily:

  1. After solliciting the service, a meeting will be scheduled within your company to pinpout your needs
  2. You will be put in contact with potential candidates within a month

And for companies needing to train their employees, the Region has set up a tailor-made scheme called Pass Emploi. It enables companies to benefit from subsidies to train future employees, on condition that they commit to recruiting them.

NFI services for your project
with high employment potential

If your new or expanded business will create at least 100 new jobs, Nord France Invest can organise a recruitment program just for you.

To save time and facilitate hiring: we set up a dedicated team that brings together all public stakeholders involved in recruitment and employment in the area—Pôle Emploi, Proch’Emploi, Maisons de l’Emploi, community agencies and more. There is simply no better way to ensure that your needs and priorities are understood by one and all. The team then meets with you before kicking off the project.


Needs analysis: define profiles you are looking for and draw up job descriptions


Transfer job descriptions to the right networks and publish your recruiting requirements


“Job-dating” sessions to interview candidates in premises reserved for you


A project with a high recruitment challenge?
Let us help you

According to the nature of your project, Nord France Invest can help you with recruitment.

  • 01Select your type of investment
  • 02Tell us about your project
  • 03We will get back to you within 48H
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