What is the roadmap of Hauts-de-France International?
Preferential geographical areas
After consulting goals related to investment, export and economic diplomacy, here are the countries and geographical areas which are considered priorities on the Hauts-de-France International roadmap:
- The Netherlands,
- Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Belgium,
- United Kingdom / Ireland,
- Québec province,
- Maryland / USA,
- Japan
Pooling resources
Pooling resources to achieve synergies is the number 1 goal pursued by the Hauts-de-France International collective.
- Sharing operations scheduling,
- Building joint actions,
- Sharing EEN leads (Enterprise Europe Network),
- Sharing contacts in the private sector, institutions etc.
Hybrid export / invest services
Identifying the correct interlocutors to make you more serene and efficient can be tedious, especially when time is limited for investors. This is why Hauts-de-France International has put into place a continuity of services between invest and export. The benefit is concrete and immediate: simplifying the development of company in Hauts-de-France in the long run through a tailored 360° support by experts for each step of your expansion.
From finding the right location to test the market, to exporting, to setting up the ideal site in Hauts-de-France, any entrepreneur’s career path is streamlined, his or her procedures optimized and growth accelerated.